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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE    Contact: Brittany Gross
February 5, 2013 (703) 535-3390

Secretary Carlos Gutierrez: Obama’s Failure to
Compromise Jeopardizes Comprehensive Immigration Reform

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Former U.S. Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez today released the following statement on behalf of Republicans for Immigration Reform following President Obama’s White House meetings with corporate chief executives, labor leaders and progressives regarding immigration reform on Tuesday:

“President Obama continues to put politics and his partisan legacy before the sweeping immigration reforms that America needs to move forward in the 21st Century.  By further punctuating his threat to introduce a competing immigration reform plan and failing to create an environment of compromise, the President jeopardizes comprehensive reform and risks America’s ability to continue to attract the world’s most talented individuals.”

About Republicans for Immigration Reform
Republicans for Immigration Reform will provide political support for Republicans who advance common-sense solutions to address the nation's broken immigration system.  These common-sense solutions must be implemented through comprehensive legislation that recognizes U.S. borders, Rule of Law, dignity of individuals, and policies that address the needs of our economy in the 21st century. 

Paid for by Republicans for Immigration Reform.
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